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7th annual fundraising event for Project Acchieve.

Yep, it´s that time of the year again 🙂

In 2005, the Warri Branch of Nigerwives Nigeria (foreign women married to Nigerian citizens and residing in Delta State), decided to embark on providing a ‘Centre for the Disabled’ – a charity project,  as their contribution to the society among which they live.

The Centre, named “PROJECT ACCHIEVE” provides daycare / therapeutic facilities, advice and counselling, among other activities, for infants and children with various disabilities.

We grew up with The Nigerwives (my mother being one of them) and so a few of us in Spain decided to help them bring this dream to life.


The plan was to build three blocks (A,B &C)

It started from a barren piece of land…pr2

and every year with the help of so many good friends that attend our fundraising events and others that help out directly in Nigeria; we have gone from that empty plot to this:




Finally, last year we completed the first block of the intended three and opened the doors of the school. We hope to complete the other two with the help of you all because at the moment, we sadly have to turn desperate parents away as we can´t accommodate more children in our facilities. We want to give the twenty children presently enrolled the best care and attention we can (we have special needs teachers, a speech therapist, nannies…).


So once again, we are preparing our yearly fundraising event in Spain to help keep the doors of Project Acchieve open, everyone is cordially invited on the 12th of November to spend the day with us 🙂


But if you can´t make it, there are so many ways to help:

Every little bit helps and it would be such a shame after all the hard work that has been put into this project not to keep it running; especially as the parents are so happy with the results they see every day. So one more year, please help us make a difference.


Author of I stand corrected, When I grow up... Bienvenidos a gatos anónimos, Pasarse cuatro Pueblos and Sesenta segundos dan para mucho, Patricia Asedegbega Nieto was born to a Spanish mother and a Nigerian father in Madrid. As a child, she relocated with her family to Nigeria and later returned to Spain, where she acquired her BSc and master´s degree. She is currently living near Madrid with her family and her very stubborn cat, Merlin Mojito.

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