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I stand corrected

I am Rosario Domínguez González, heiress to one of the largest and oldest fortunes in Spain. My family is considered in both the most elite economic and social circles as one of the richest and most influential in Europe…


Author of I stand corrected, When I grow up... Bienvenidos a gatos anónimos, Pasarse cuatro Pueblos and Sesenta segundos dan para mucho, Patricia Asedegbega Nieto was born to a Spanish mother and a Nigerian father in Madrid. As a child, she relocated with her family to Nigeria and later returned to Spain, where she acquired her BSc and master´s degree. She is currently living near Madrid with her family and her very stubborn cat, Merlin Mojito.

3 thoughts on “I stand corrected

  1. ‘I Stand Corrected’
    ….is an exciting fiction novel which tells us the life of one of Spain’s Female Celebrity ‘Rosario Dominguez Gonzalez’ and her cat Balou ( who in the book has his own identity). To the world, Rosario has it going for her: Beauty, Fame, wealth and a handsome/ powerful husband to match ( Javier Dominguez Gonzalez)….little did people know that Rosario keeps a dark secret…..She finds solace in her cat Balou who discovers her secrets and trys to help out by pulling surprises and amazing stunts!!…..The right way to go Balou…keep it going!
    …Once you start reading ‘ I Stand corrected’ you just can’t stop till the very end. It gives you a insight into typical spanish settings and delicacies through its use of Spanish words…it also exposes its readers to the world Cats , letting them into their do’s and don’ts . When reading, its audience becomes captivated and led into an exciting world of curiosity and adventure ..leaving them no choice but to learn/ want more.

    ‘ When I Grow Up’
    Alice ( a young Spanish Lady) works for a reputable Legal Firm in Spain. Her boss Julia ( a young Legal associate) seem over bearing ..Alice finds it difficult understanding her….she has no choice, but tags along.
    A recent occurrence in the office which leads to a sack of Oscar( Alice’s Colleague) leads Alice into the start of an investigation which brings her into having a different perception of Julia.
    The lifestyle of all employees ( both Senior and Junior) are looked into and a shocking discovery is made…..things aren’t always as they seem…

    ‘When I grow up’ is more of suspense and individual relationships/ interaction…when reading you are left with no option but wanting to know how it all ended …curiosity leads you to reading every page wanting to find out the very truth which is exciting.
    The ability of the writer to keep its audience focused without being distracted is quite intriguing……
    For me, ‘when I grow up’ , is a must read.

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  2. I stand corrected ignited my passion for reading other books other than crime and suspense stories again. From the plots, the storyline and most especially the intruging and interesting characters makes the book a must have. Patricia brings to life the rich customs and traditions of the Spanish people. The book also deals extensively on a very social vice which is becoming very prevalent in our society today. From Rosario , Javier to Balou who happens to be my favourite character by the way kept me glued to the book all day. Now I can’t wait to start and finish “When I grow up”. The only reason I haven’t started is that I am waiting to recieverecieve” Balou Uncensored” So that my apetite for more of Patricia’s books is satisfied at all times. Be warned, reading I stand Corrected wets your appetite for more of Patricia Asedegbega’s books. So to avoid this, Order for at least 2 at a time to avoid “iwantmoretitis”. Grab your copy now and you can thank me later


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